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Exploded plant in Sergiyev Posad involved in modern bomber development

Exploded plant in Sergiyev Posad involved in modern bomber development The factory in Sergiyev Posad took part in the development of the latest bomber (Photo: Russian media)
Author: Daria Shekina

The exploded plant in the Moscow region could have been involved in the development of the latest "stealth" bomber, according to "Crimea. Realities."

As the publication writes, since 2019, the plant has been involved in the development of the Russian strategic bomber "Messenger."

The development of the bomber-missile carrier has been ongoing since 2009, and its manufacturer is the Tupolev Design Bureau. The aircraft is designed using a "flying wing" scheme, with construction and materials aimed at reducing visibility.

The Russian Ministry of Defense previously stated that the "Messenger" will enter service by 2027 and will replace the lineup of long-range military aircraft:

  • Tu-22;
  • Tu-95;
  • Tu-160.

The mentioned aircraft are actively used by the country-terrorist for carrying out strikes on the territory of Ukraine.

Explosion at a plant in Sergiyev Posad

Today in the Moscow region, there was an explosion at the Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant. After some time, reports began to emerge online about dozens of injured people. The plant was manufacturing surveillance devices for law enforcement and industry.

According to Russians, the cause of the incident was human error, and the explosion occurred in an area of the plant where "a storage of pyrotechnics was located."

Read more details on the explosion in RBC-Ukraine material.