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Expert assesses capabilities of Ukrainian Palianytsia missile drone

Expert assesses capabilities of Ukrainian Palianytsia missile drone Photo: aviation expert Kostiantyn Kryvolap (screenshot of the video)

The Ukrainian Palianytsia missile drone has large wings, which allows it to fly long distances. This weapon is capable of striking targets, including airfields, before enemy aircraft have a chance to take off, stated aviation expert Kostiantyn Kryvolap.

According to the expert, the Palianytsia missile drone has large wings, which allow it to fly long distances with an aerodynamic efficiency of around 20-25 units. This means the drone has characteristics similar to amateur gliders.

"We were shown men who took some cylinder out of a container, then attached a cart to it, and then added wings - very serious, very large wings, not like those on cruise missiles. When I saw these wings, I thought: 'Oh, this will fly far.' I believe it has an aerodynamic quality of around 20-25 units. This means it's almost like a glider, an amateur one," he said.

The expert noted that professional gliders have an aerodynamic efficiency of around 50 units.

"This means that for every kilometer of altitude loss without an engine, it glides horizontally 50 km if it's 50 units, or 20 km if it's 20 units. Ordinary cruise missiles do not have such characteristics. This is a drone-specific capability. If this drone has such wings, it can fly far," he stated.

Kryvopal added that based on the gas turbine engine of the Palianytsia, it has about 100 kg of thrust.

“This suggests that the flight range will be significant," the expert noted.

He stated that the combat payload of the Ukrainian missile drone, based on its size, is almost half that of the Neptune missile, which is 5.5 meters long and 0.38 meters in diameter, whereas in this case, it's approximately 40 cm.

"With this engine and such wings, the drone will be able to fly quite far and carry a heavy load. I estimate its payload capacity to be within 60-80 kg, but not more than 100 kg. This is a rather powerful weapon," Kryvopal added.

He also mentioned that the Palianytsia is capable of flying up to 500 km, with a margin of error of ±100 km.

"Not all aircraft will have time to take off and leave the airfields. I really hope for strikes directly on the airfields," he stated.

Ukraine develops Palianytsia missile

On Independence Day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the first successful deployment of the Ukrainian Palianytsia missile drone.

He emphasized that developing domestic missiles is Ukraine's way of taking action while some partners hesitate. The President also announced other "powerful" decisions regarding weaponry. The Head of State added that there will be other long-range missiles.