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European Parliament calls for termination of Hungary's presidency in EU Council

European Parliament calls for termination of Hungary's presidency in EU Council Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (Photo: Getty Images)

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary undermines positions adopted by the European Union (EU) and acts contrary to the bloc's interests. According to Valérie Hayer, head of the liberal group Renew Europe, the country's presidency in the EU Council needs to be terminated.

Heyer urged the European Council to explore all means to stop Hungary's presidency.

Hungary began its presidency for a six-month term on July 1. At the same time, Orbán has already stirred controversy with his so-called "peace mission" and meeting with dictator Vladimir Putin.

In turn, Heyer accused Orbán of undermining EU positions and actions that contradict the bloc's interests.

"It is time to rein in Viktor Orbán’s rogue presidency of the Council," she said.

Orbán's "peace mission"

Recently, Orbán visited Ukraine, where he met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Later, he also traveled to Russia and China, where he negotiated with Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

According to Orbán's press secretary, Bertalan Havasi, during the NATO summit, the prime minister met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and asked him to support his "peace mission."

As noted by Mykhailo Podoliak, advisor to the President's Office, Orbán does not understand the nature of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and, therefore, cannot act as a mediator.

For more details on Orbán's visit to Moscow, his objectives, and the reaction of European politicians, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.