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EU Parliament calls for lifting restrictions on strikes on Russia, MPs support resolution

EU Parliament calls for lifting restrictions on strikes on Russia, MPs support resolution Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Members of the European Parliament have called on European Union (EU) countries to lift restrictions on Ukraine's use of Western weaponry for strikes on Russian territory. They supported a corresponding resolution, citing the European Parliament.

According to the voting results:

  • 425 members supported the resolution;
  • 131 were against;
  • 63 abstained.

The resolution says that Ukraine needs the removal of these restrictions to fully exercise its right to self-defense and not be vulnerable to attacks on its population and infrastructure.

The parliament emphasized that a shortage of ammunition, weapons, and restrictions on their use could undermine the efforts made so far in terms of support. MEPs once again urged the EU to fulfill its 2023 promise to supply 1 million rounds of ammunition, as well as to accelerate the provision of weapons, air defense systems (ADS), and Taurus cruise missiles.

"They (the MEPs) also restate their position that all EU countries and NATO allies should collectively and individually commit to annual military support for Ukraine militarily of no less than 0.25% of their GDP," says the European Parliament website.

EU sanctions against Russia

The resolution also says that sanctions against the Russian Federation, Belarus, and third countries and organizations supplying military technology and dual-use goods to Russia should remain in place. Additionally, sanctions should be strengthened against Iran and North Korea, which support the enemy in the military sphere, as well as against Chinese individuals and organizations to combat the circumvention of restrictions.

Russian assets

"They also view accountability for Russian war crimes and reparations and other payments by Moscow as essential aspects of any solution. To this end, MEPs want the EU and like-minded partners to establish a sound legal regime for the confiscation of Russian state-owned assets frozen by the EU as part of efforts to compensate Ukraine for the massive damage it has suffered," writes the European Parliament.

Strikes deep Into Russia

Recently, Ukraine's allies have again begun actively discussing the issue of lifting restrictions on Ukraine's Armed Forces (AFU) for strikes on Russian territory using Western-supplied weapons.

Meanwhile, The Guardian reported that the United States and the United Kingdom have already made a corresponding decision, but have not announced it. There is no official confirmation of these rumors.