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EU extends Russian sanctions to Belarus: Details

EU extends Russian sanctions to Belarus: Details Photo: The EU extended to Belarus a number of sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation (Getty Images)

The Council of the European Union (EU) has adopted a series of sanctions against Belarus. These restrictions are already in effect against Russia due to the war against Ukraine, according to the EU Council’s website.

“The Council today adopted restrictive measures targeting the Belarusian economy, in view of the regime’s involvement in Russia’s illegal, unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine,” the statement reads.

These comprehensive measures aim to mirror several restrictive measures already in place against Russia, thereby addressing the issue of sanctions evasion due to the high degree of integration between the Russian and Belarusian economies.


Additionally, the Council continues the ban on the export of dual-use/advanced goods and technologies, while also introducing further restrictions on exports that could enhance Belarus’s industrial potential.

Further restrictions are also imposed on the export of maritime goods and technologies, as well as luxury items to Belarus.

“Regarding imports, it will be prohibited to import directly or indirectly, purchase or transfer namely of gold and diamonds from Belarus, as well as helium, coal and mineral products including crude oil,” the statement reads.

This measure will be complemented by a new ban on the export of goods and technologies suitable for use in oil refining and natural gas liquefaction.


Moreover, the EU Council prohibits the provision of certain services to Belarus, its government, state bodies, corporations, or agencies, and any individual or entity acting on their behalf or at their direction:

  • accounting services, auditing services, including state audits, accounting services, tax advisory services, business and management consulting services, and public relations services;
  • architectural and engineering services, as well as IT consultancy and legal advisory services;
  • advertising services, market research and public opinion polling services, and product testing and technical inspection services.


The EU Council expands the ban on road freight transport within EU territory to trailers and semi-trailers registered in Belarus, including trucks registered outside Belarus.

“In order to minimise the risk of circumvention, EU operators which are owned for 25% or more by a Belarusian natural or legal person, should be prohibited from becoming a road transport undertaking or from transporting goods by road in the Union, including in transit,” the document adds.

Anti-evasion measures

This decision requires EU exporters to include a "no-Belarus clause" in their future contracts, contractually prohibiting the re-export to Belarus or for use in Belarus of sensitive goods and technologies, military goods, firearms, and ammunition.

To minimize the risk of sanctions evasion, the EU will ban the transit through Belarus of dual-use goods and technologies, goods and technologies that could contribute to Belarus's military and technological strengthening or the development of its defense and security sector, goods that could enhance Belarus's industrial capacity, goods and technologies for use in the aviation or space industry, and weapons exported from the EU.

Additionally, to counteract the re-export of military goods found in Ukraine or critical to the development of Russian military systems, it was decided that EU operators selling such military goods to third countries must implement due diligence mechanisms capable of identifying and assessing the risks of re-export to Russia and mitigating those risks.

"Lastly, EU parent companies will be required to undertake their best efforts to ensure that their third-country subsidiaries do not take part in any activities resulting in an outcome that the sanctions seek to prevent," the document adds.

Protection for EU operators

The package also includes measures allowing EU operators to seek compensation for damages caused by Belarusian individuals and companies due to sanctions and expropriation, provided that a citizen of an EU member state or the relevant company does not have effective access to legal remedies, for example, under the relevant bilateral agreement.

Belarus’s involvement in the war against Ukraine

Belarus is participating in the war against Ukraine by helping the Kremlin evade sanctions imposed against Russia.

Moreover, during Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, columns of occupiers entered Ukrainian territory through Belarus.

Additionally, according to the Institute for the Study of War, Belarusian officials, including the self-proclaimed president Alexander Lukashenko, are involved in the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to Belarus and their re-education according to Belarusian programs.