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EU 'deeply alarmed' by North Korean troops in Russia

EU 'deeply alarmed' by North Korean troops in Russia Photo: The EU is “deeply concerned” about DPRK troops in Russia (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The European Union is deeply concerned by reports that North Korea sends its troops to support Russia's war against Ukraine. This would constitute a serious violation of international law, according to the website of the Council of the European Union.

"The European Union is deeply alarmed by reports that the DPRK is sending troops to participate in Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine. This would constitute a serious breach of international law, including the most fundamental principles of the UN Charter. It would be a unilateral hostile act by the DPRK with serious consequences for European and global peace and security," the EU states.

At the same time, the EU Council noted that this event further demonstrates how Russia continues to spread instability and escalate tensions in the region and across the globe,

"The European Union strongly condemns the deepening military cooperation and arms transfers between the DPRK and Russia, which flagrantly violate multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions. The EU urges the DPRK to stop providing support to Russia’s illegal war efforts," the Council of the European Union added.

The EU believes that the deepening of military cooperation between Russia and North Korea sends a clear message that despite claims of being open to negotiations, Russia is not genuinely interested in a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace.

"On the contrary, Russia is escalating and desperately seeking any help for its war, including from actors that are severely disrupting global peace and security," the EU concluded.

North Korean troops in Russia

For a long time, information has been circulating online that Russia has decided to involve North Korean soldiers in its war against Ukraine.

Today, on October 24, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine reported that North Korea has already sent about 12,000 troops to Russia. Furthermore, some of these soldiers are already in the combat zone in the Kursk region.

Meanwhile, the Financial Times reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin is relying on North Korean soldiers to regain parts of the Kursk region that are under Ukrainian control.

Moreover, Putin responded today to the reports about North Korean military involvement.