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EU called on Hamas to immediately release all hostages

EU called on Hamas to immediately release all hostages EU's chief diplomat, Josep Borrell (photo: Getty Images)

27 EU member states are seriously concerned about the deepening humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. Brussels has called on Hamas to immediately release all hostages, according to the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

"We call for immediate pauses in hostilities and the establishment of humanitarian corridors, so that humanitarian aid can safely reach the population of Gaza. We call on Hamas to immediately & unconditional release all hostages," the statement said.

At the same time, the EU condemns Hamas's use of hospitals and the civilian population as a "human shield."

"Civilians must be allowed to leave the combat zone. Hostilities are severely impacting hospitals & taking a horrific toll on civilians. ternational Humanitarian Law stipulates that hospitals, medical supplies and civilians inside hospitals must be protected," the statement said.

Meanwhile, the European Union has called on Israel to exercise maximum restraint to ensure the protection of the civilian population.

Israel-Hamas war

On October 7th, Hamas militants invaded Israeli territory, kidnapping at least 240 people and killing civilians.

In response, Israel launched an operation against the terrorists, deploying its military forces into the Gaza Strip.

So far, Hamas has only released four hostages during the entire conflict, two Americans and two Israelis.