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Estonia explains why Russia becomes dependent on North Korean military personnel

Estonia explains why Russia becomes dependent on North Korean military personnel Photo: Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin (

The Russian army is becoming increasingly dependent on North Korean assistance. North Korean military personnel are accompanying weapon supplies to the Russian positions, states Colonel Ants Kiviselg, head of the Estonian Defense Forces' Intelligence Center.

He reminded that due to the Ukrainian Armed Forces' strikes on Russian ammunition depots, Russia may soon face a shortage of weapons. This is why the Russian army is becoming more dependent on North Korea, as North Korean military personnel have already been spotted in the occupied parts of Ukraine.

"Their goal is to identify defects and monitor the usage of ammunition," Kiviselg noted.

North Korean military personnel are already in Ukraine

Earlier this summer, Putin and Kim Jong Un signed a strategic partnership agreement that includes mutual assistance in case of aggression. Putin also attempted to persuade Kim to open diplomatic missions in the occupied cities of Donetsk and Luhansk. The Pentagon expressed concern, warning that North Korean soldiers could become "cannon fodder" in Ukraine.

Recently, RBC-Ukraine sources reported that more than 20 soldiers, including North Korean military personnel, were killed in a strike near Donetsk on October 3.

Additionally, we previously wrote about how many soldiers North Korea might send to Ukraine to support Russia.

A few days ago, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces confirmed a successful attack on the 67th arsenal of the Russian Ministry of Defense's Main Missile and Artillery Directorate in the Bryansk region, where North Korean ammunition was stored.