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Enemy mistakes are our success: Zelenskyy on Putin's ultimatum before summit

Enemy mistakes are our success: Zelenskyy on Putin's ultimatum before summit Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo:

Vladimir Putin's statement about territorial claims to Ukraine is a big mistake that is useful for Ukraine, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"They (Russians - ed.) don't need peace, that's a fact. The world needs peace for all of us," he said, noting that the conference in Switzerland was attended by countries with the majority of the world's population.

According to him, Russia has made many tragic historical mistakes, starting with the occupation of Crimea.

Commenting on Putin's statement before the summit, Zelenskyy noted that "it is also a mistake to disrupt a peace summit with such a message."

"At the same time, it is a serious mistake for a person who proposes to withdraw from some of our territories that are under our control. That is, people who want to end the war can say anything, even about a frozen conflict that does not suit us. But here, the person absolutely provoked the whole world and frightened it, saying that he did not want to end the war, but wanted to seize territories," Zelenskyy added.

According to the President of Ukraine, "this is a big mistake that is useful for us."

"Here, behind the scenes, countries were saying that with this message, Putin conveyed to the whole world that everything he had said before about a real desire to end the war was multiplied by zero. All countries said this. Even those that have a different view. Or had," Zelenskyy said.

Before the peace summit in Switzerland (June 15-16), Vladimir Putin issued a so-called "ultimatum" to Ukraine, demanding that it leave the regions that the Kremlin included in its constitution.

Read more about the ultimatum in RBC-Ukraine's article.