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Emergency and rescue work completed in Lviv after Russian attack

Emergency and rescue work completed in Lviv after Russian attack Photo: Rescuers have finished work in Lviv at the site of the Russian attack on September 4 (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Emergency and rescue operations have been completed in Lviv following the Russian attack on Wednesday, September 4. 12 people were rescued, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

"53 people were injured. Unfortunately, 7 were killed, including, according to updated data, 2 children of 7 and 14 years old," the statement says.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine psychologists assisted 103 victims, including 16 children. Over 150 rescuers and 38 units of special equipment were involved in the aftermath of the events.

Consequences of the Russian shelling of Lviv on September 4 (

Russian shelling of Ukraine

Russian troops massively attacked Ukraine on the night of September 4, launching dozens of drones and 13 missiles.

Lviv suffered the most from the Russian attack, with schools and medical facilities damaged in the city. The Russian shelling of Lviv killed 7 people and injured 53 others. Among the killed were 3 children. In particular, during the Russian attack on Lviv, the Russians killed an entire family. Only the father survived.

In addition, 5 people were injured in the Russian shelling of Kryvyi Rih. In particular, Russia destroyed a hotel.