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Eleventh column of Wagnerites arrives in Belarus, with armored vehicles for the first time

Eleventh column of Wagnerites arrives in Belarus, with armored vehicles for the first time Eleventh column of Wagnerites arrives in Belarus, with armored vehicles for the first time (Getty Images)

Today, the 11th column of Wagner mercenaries arrived in Belarus, crossing into the country with armored vehicles for the first time, as Belarusian Hajun reports.

According to the monitoring project, the column was moving in the western part of Belarus and consisted of at least 29 units of equipment, including:

  • 1 UAZ-Patriot
  • 1 off-road vehicle
  • 6 Shchuka armored vehicles
  • 11 trucks
  • 6 semi-trailer trucks (carrying 6 excavators and 1 Gazelle van)
  • 2 Ural trucks
  • 2 KamAZ trucks

It is the first time that armored vehicles, specifically Shchuka (also known as Chekan), have been observed in the columns of Wagner mercenaries arriving in Belarus, according to the Hajun report.

The destination of the column is a field camp located in the Tsel settlement, in the Mogilev region.

Wagner relocation

In June, the chief of the Wagner Private Military Company, Yevgeny Prigozhin, organized an attempted coup in Russia. He tried to force the Russian authorities to change the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff.

On the first day of the coup attempt, the mercenaries took control of Rostov and local military facilities. Afterward, they headed towards Moscow.

At that stage, negotiations took place between Prigozhin and self-proclaimed Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. As a result, the unrest caused by the Wagner mercenaries ceased, and they were allowed to "relocate" to Belarus. Following this, the mercenaries began their relocation and were stationed at one of the military bases.

A few days ago, it became known that the 10th column of Wagner mercenaries had arrived in Belarus.