Each tractor driver receives €100 to block border with Poland, Ukrainian carriers say

The situation on the Polish border is becoming increasingly tense, and on February 20, Ukrainian carriers responded to Polish actions by staging a mirror action at three border crossings - Rava-Ruska, Krakovets, and Shehyni. Ukrainian drivers also shared how much Polish farmers receive for blocking the border, according to Zaxid.net.
Currently, the organizers of the Ukrainian protest are controlling the traffic flow at border checkpoints and not allowing Polish trucks to bypass the general queue.
"Drivers stand for weeks, living in vehicles without any conditions. The border is blocked by farmers, but we have information that Polish carriers are involved in this. There is a pro-Russian party, Konfederacja, which provides all instructions on what and how to do it. They have no demands on Ukraine, they have grievances against their own government, against the European Commission, but we are the ones suffering," said Volodymyr Mykhalevych, head of the public organization International Car Carriers of Ukraine.
Additionally, Ukrainian carriers say that Poles are receiving money for blocking the border.
"We have information that each tractor driver receives about 100 euros per day for standing at the border. All those other narratives are traces of Russian propaganda, spreading hatred towards us, Ukrainians. Also, one of the co-organizers of the action, Mekler, is connected to Russia through transportation," said participant Myroslav Kruk.
According to participants, they will stop all vehicles leaving the border, including Ukrainian ones. Only trucks carrying humanitarian and military aid will be allowed through. Currently, drivers have announced the continuation of the action until March 15 or until the Polish blockade of the border is lifted.
"While our vehicles stand for 10 days, not moving at all, Polish carriers make four trips a month and earn money. If he loaded yesterday and passed customs, and today he is already here - it's unreal, it means he bypassed the border. We will park these cars here. Until the moment when the same number of our Ukrainian cars, which have been standing there for a week or two, leave," added Mykhalevych.
Earlier, we reported that Poles spilled grain from a Ukrainian wagon at the border.
Read more about the escalating issue in the report by RBC-Ukraine.