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Poles block railway at Ukraine border and spill grain from train

Poles block railway at Ukraine border and spill grain from train Poles blocked a railroad on the border with Ukraine and spilled grain from a railroad car (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Against the backdrop of blocking cargo, on February 20, Poles blocked the railroad near the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint. They even overturned one of the railroad cars carrying Ukrainian grain, according to

"This is a reaction to the influx of grain from Ukraine. It is very bad. People are desperate and can't help themselves. No one controls this: neither the Polish authorities nor the Ukrainian ones," says Roman Kondruv, co-organizer of the Polish farmers' protest.

According to him, the protesters are throwing grain "out of emotion."

"We do not influence people, they can't stand it and throw it out. We are bankrupt because everything is being taken out of Ukraine uncontrollably," the co-organizer of the protest adds.

Later, the police arrived at the scene. Polish farmers opened the railroad traffic.

Not first attempt

On February 18, Polish protesters blocked the movement of the passenger train №119 Kyiv-Chelm. There are 260 passengers on the train, the vast majority of whom are women and children. Many passengers had further connections and flights. After the intervention of the Polish police and railroad workers, the train was unblocked and continued to move.

Currently, six directions remain blocked: Yahodyn, Ustyluh, Uhryniv, Rava-Ruska, Shehyni, and Krakovets. At all of these destinations, about 2,900 trucks are waiting in line to cross the border into Ukraine.

On February 20, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called on the Polish authorities to unblock the border between the two countries.