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Drones, missiles and more: Zelenskyy showcases Ukrainian weapons and their impact

Drones, missiles and more: Zelenskyy showcases Ukrainian weapons and their impact Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy showcased domestically produced weapons and their combat results.

Zelenskyy displayed Ukrainian sea drones, armored vehicles, missiles, long-range drones, and artillery.

"At sea: Neptune, Sea Baby, MAGURA V5. On land: Bohdana, Stugna, Korsar. In the air: Beaver, Morok, Luty," he noted.

He added that Ukrainian innovations are clearing the Black Sea, strengthening the state, and destroying Russian capabilities.

The President also released footage showing the use of Ukrainian weapons, including the destruction of enemy equipment, air defense systems, and strikes on enemy targets. The video featured attacks on Russian factories and refineries, the destruction of enemy ships, and the sinking of the cruiser Moskva in the Black Sea.

Ukrainian weapons production

During the full-scale war, Ukraine has significantly increased its weapons production. Over 500 companies, both state and private, are involved in manufacturing weaponry in Ukraine.

Ukraine has also established weapon production partnerships with foreign companies, with some factories located abroad for added security. For example, defense conglomerate Rheinmetall is collaborating with Ukraine to create a repair facility for equipment and joint production of Lynx armored fighting vehicles.

Additionally, Ukrainian manufacturers have greatly advanced drone technology. Ukraine has developed its first fleet of naval drones. Previously, the Ministry of Strategic Industries stated that Ukraine could produce over 3 million drones in a year.