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Drone parts import and enhanced soldier training: Zelenskyy holds meeting of Staff

Drone parts import and enhanced soldier training: Zelenskyy holds meeting of Staff Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief today, September 16. One of the topics discussed was the improvement of soldier training, according to the President.

The President noted that during the meeting, he received briefings on the front-line situation and detailed reports from the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine. The intelligence agencies described the intentions of the Russian forces and the situation within their ranks.

"Intelligence reports highlighted a noticeable deterioration in discipline among Russian units," Zelenskyy said.

Another topic discussed at the meeting was the engineering protection of critical infrastructure and the timeline for completing related work.

Additionally, Zelenskyy mentioned that the meeting also covered combat training centers. The main inspector of the Ministry of Defense, Ihor Voronchenko, reported on this issue.

"I instructed the General Staff to provide a list of measures to improve the operation of these centers. The state must ensure high-quality training for those who defend it," he added.

The participants also addressed export restrictions imposed by countries that produce drone components.

"We know how to ensure these restrictions do not become critical for us," the President assured.


At the end of August, the commander of the 414th Separate Strike Drone Aviation Systems Madiar reported that from September 1, China would ban the export of several parts necessary for drone production.

As Sergeant Yehor Firsov, a soldier of the 109th Battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, explained in a commentary to RBC-Ukraine, this could lead to a crisis.

However, he noted that Ukraine produces nearly all components for drones domestically, with only engines and cameras needing to be imported.