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Drone debris damaged house of Russian oppositionist Ponomarev near Kyiv

Drone debris damaged house of Russian oppositionist Ponomarev near Kyiv Ilya Ponomarev (

Drone debris in the Kyiv region damaged the house of Russian oppositionist Ilya Ponomarev, according to RBC-Ukraine sources, Ponomarev's X, and the National Police.

Sources confirmed to RBC-Ukraine that the wreckage of an enemy drone damaged the house of Russian oppositionist Ilya Ponomarev near Kyiv.

Ponomarev confirmed the incident, according to his post on X.

“Today seems to be my second birthday. The fifth attempted attack was the most unconventional and successful, it was difficult to defend against it,” the politician wrote.

The National Police said that the Russian military tried to launch another drone strike in the Kyiv region, without mentioning any names.

“A husband and wife were injured in one of the districts. The victims were hospitalized in the capital's hospital and are being provided with appropriate assistance. Two private houses were also damaged,” law enforcement officials said.

Drone debris damaged house of Russian oppositionist Ponomarev near Kyiv
Consequences of the drone crash on Ponomarev's house (

Drone debris damaged house of Russian oppositionist Ponomarev near Kyiv

Consequences of the drone crash on Ponomarev's house (

Drone debris damaged house of Russian oppositionist Ponomarev near Kyiv

Consequences of the drone crash on Ponomarev's house (

Russian attack on Kyiv region

Russian troops attacked with Shahed drones and Iskander missiles across Ukraine on the night of August 1.

Air defense systems were operating in the Kyiv region. Earlier, two people were reported injured when the drone debris fell in the Kyiv region.

Russian militants fired three Iskanders at the Mykolaiv region. Bashtanka district came under fire. The air defense system shot down all the drones but not the ballistics.