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Russia attacks Ukraine with ballistic missiles and drones: Air defense's work reported

Russia attacks Ukraine with ballistic missiles and drones: Air defense's work reported Photo: Ukrainian air defense system shoots down all 7 Russian drones on August 1 (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the night of August 1, Russian troops attacked Ukraine with drones and ballistic missiles. Ukrainian air defense shot down all of the Russian Shaheds, according to Ukrainian Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk.

“On the night of August 1, Russia attacked with Iskander-M ballistic missiles from the Voronezh region and Crimea, as well as with Shahed drones from Cape Chauda (Crimea) and Kursk,” the statement says.

According to the general, Ukrainian radio engineering troops detected and escorted 7 Shaheds.

“All were shot down by Ukrainian air defense in Kyiv, Poltava, Kherson, and Dnipro regions,” Oleshchuk adds.

Russian attack on Ukraine

After a massive Russian drone attack on Ukraine on the night of July 31, Russian troops again launched drones and ballistic missiles at Ukraine.

The alert was raised several times in Ukraine, and air defense was deployed in the Kyiv region. In the morning, it became known that two people were injured in the Kyiv region when the fragments of a drone fell. Houses were also damaged.