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Drone crash in Romania: Bucharest summons Russian charge d'affaires

Drone crash in Romania: Bucharest summons Russian charge d'affaires Drone crash in Romania: Bucharest summons Russian charge d'affaires (Getty Images)

Fragments of another Russian drone have been found on the territory of Romania. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the temporary chargé d'affaires of Russia, Reuters reports.

"The charge d'affaires of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bucharest was urgently summoned on Saturday to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the level of state secretary," the statement says.


On the night of September 4, Russian terrorists once again resorted to drone attacks using Shaheds on the port infrastructure of Ukraine in the Odesa region.

After some time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that UAVs also hit the territory of Romania; however, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense immediately denied this information. President Klaus Iohannis also denied initially but later acknowledged the incident.

Yesterday, on September 9, the Ministry of Defense of Romania reported that they discovered new fragments of a drone similar to those used by the Russian military.