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Drone attack on US base in Syria: Pentagon clarifies number of injured soldiers

Drone attack on US base in Syria: Pentagon clarifies number of injured soldiers The Pentagon reports on the soldiers affected by the attack in Syria (photo:

In the wake of a drone attack on a military base in Syria last week, eight American service members sustained injuries, according to Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder.

According to a US Department of Defense spokesperson, three injured service members have already resumed their duties.

The American Major General stated that eight service members received medical attention for head injuries and smoke inhalation.

Ryder added that the US believes Iran-backed forces carried out the attack, but the Pentagon is still determining the specific perpetrators behind the strike on the base in the Rumailan landing zone in northeastern Syria.

What preceded this

On August 10, Reuters reported that US military forces in Syria had been targeted by a drone attack. Initial reports indicated that there were no casualties from the strike on the facility in the Rumailan landing zone, where US troops are stationed alongside coalition forces.

However, subsequent Western media reports revealed that several US and coalition service members were injured in the drone attack in Syria.

Additionally, it was reported earlier that about two weeks ago, five US service members were injured in an attack from a Katyusha rocket on the Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq. The Pentagon attributes this attack to Iran-backed proxies.

It was later disclosed that Iraqi security forces had arrested a group of individuals connected to the strike that injured American troops.