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US troops attacked in Syria - Reuters

US troops attacked in Syria - Reuters American troops were attacked in Syria (photo:

US military forces in northeastern Syria were targeted in a drone attack. Preliminary reports indicate that there were no casualties from the strike, reports Reuters.

An American official provided details of the incident to a Western news agency on Friday.

"Initial reports do not indicate any injuries, however, medical evaluations are ongoing. We are currently conducting a damage assessment," the US official told reporters on condition of anonymity.

The attack occurred in the Rumalyn Landing Zone, where American forces are stationed along with US-led coalition troops.

This attack marks the second on US forces in the Middle East in recent days.

What preceded this

Earlier this week, five US service members were injured in a rocket attack by Katyushas on the Ain al Asad airbase in western Iraq. The Pentagon has attributed the attack to Iran-backed proxies.

Subsequently, Iraqi security forces arrested a group of individuals linked to the attack, resulting in injuries to American military personnel.

The US has 900 troops stationed in Syria and 2,500 in neighboring Iraq.

Washington has stated that these forces are engaged in advising and assisting local troops to prevent the resurgence of the terrorist group ISIS, which captured significant territory in both countries in 2014 but was later pushed back.

Meanwhile, US Central Command reports that ISIS is preparing to increase its activity and attacks in the Middle East.