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US states that ISIS attempts to regroup and increase attacks

US states that ISIS attempts to regroup and increase attacks ISIS militants (photo:

The terrorist organization Islamic State (ISIS) is attempting to at least double the number of attacks and strikes, aiming to regain strength following a period of relative calm in the Middle East, reports US Central Command (CENTCOM).

According to the US military, from January to June 2024, militants from this organization claimed responsibility for 153 attacks in Iraq and Syria.

"At this rate, ISIS is on pace to more than double the total number of attacks they claimed in 2023. The increase in attacks indicates ISIS is attempting to reconstitute following several years of decreased capability," CENTCOM reported.

Fighting against ISIS

CENTCOM also noted that together with partners in the fight against ISIS, including Iraqi security forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), they conducted 196 missions to combat this terrorist organization.

As a result, in the first half of 2024, 44 ISIS militants were eliminated and 166 were detained.

"In Iraq, 137 partnered operations resulted in 30 ISIS operatives killed and 74 ISIS operatives detained. In Syria, 59 operations conducted alongside the SDF and other partners resulted in 14 ISIS operatives killed and 92 ISIS operatives detained," CENTCOM reported.

Decapitation of the terrorist organization

Additionally, as a result of these operations in Iraq and Syria, 8 high-ranking leaders of ISIS were eliminated and 32 were detained.

"These leaders include those responsible for planning of operations outside of Syria and Iraq, recruiting, training, and weapons smuggling. The removal of these individuals from their leadership positions further degrades ISIS capabilities to conduct external operations in the US and allied nations," CENTCOM stated in its publication.

What is needed to defeat ISIS

According to US military officials, the continuous pursuit of approximately 2,500 Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria is a critically important component of enduring defeat of this organization.

"Equally important are the ongoing international efforts to repatriate more than 9,000 ISIS detainees in detention facilities in Syria, and the repatriation, rehabilitation, and reintegration of more than 43,000 individuals and families from the Al Hol and Al Roj camps. This is down from the peak of over 70,000 in 2019," CENTCOM disclosed.

What is known about ISIS and the terrorists' attacks

The extremist Sunni Islamist group, known globally as a terrorist organization, the Islamic State (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), once controlled parts of Syria and Iraq, territories in Libya, Afghanistan, Algeria, the Caucasus, and elsewhere. Since 2019, these militants have gone underground.

However, intermittently, these jihadists continue to orchestrate attacks in various parts of the world. For instance, the group claimed responsibility for the shooting at the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow suburb on March 22, despite Russian attempts to attribute the attack to Ukraine.

States in the Middle East and Western countries, including the US, continue their fight against ISIS.