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Dozens of new casualties reported in Poltava following Russian strike

Dozens of new casualties reported in Poltava following Russian strike Photo: Russian army shelled Poltava (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

In Poltava, at least 271 people were injured in a missile attack by the Russian army. Rescuers continue to clear the rubble, according to the press officer of the State Emergency Service Oleksandr Khorunzhyi.

"According to our data, 50 people have died. The number of injured is 271. These are preliminary figures, as they are constantly being updated," said Khorunzhyi.

He explained that emergency services have rescued 25 people, 11 of whom were unblocked from the rubble.

Khorunzhyi added that rescuers are being taken from the scene during air alerts due to the possibility of repeated strikes by the Russian forces. A specific protocol was worked out for this situation.

"More than 50 pieces of equipment, including heavy engineering machinery, are in operation, and approximately 220 rescuers are working," the press officer of the State Emergency Service noted.

Dog handlers are also on-site to assist in locating survivors. Every 15-20 minutes, a minute of silence is observed so that people under the rubble can be heard.


Russian forces attacked Poltava early this morning, September 3, using ballistic missiles. The Institute of Communication in the town was partially destroyed in the attack. The latest reports indicate that 206 people were injured as a result.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine began to investigate whether the Institute's protection was properly ensured.

All the details of the tragedy in Poltava can be found in the material by RBC-Ukraine.