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Dozens of casualties due to Russian attack on Poltava, Norway allocates about €50 mln for Ukrainian air defense - Tuesday brief

Dozens of casualties due to Russian attack on Poltava, Norway allocates about €50 mln for Ukrainian air defense - Tuesday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Russian troops hit Poltava with two ballistic missiles. An educational institution and residential buildings were hit. Norway will donate 570 million Norwegian kroner (48.28 million euros) to the International Fund for Ukraine.

Read more about what happened on Tuesday, September 3.

Zelenskyy: We plan to hold seized Russian territories until we force Putin to negotiate

Ukraine will hold the seized territories of Russia until it forces Russian President Vladimir Putin to the negotiating table, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made this statement in an interview with NBC News.

According to Zelenskyy, Ukraine will "hold" the territory as it is an integral part of his "victory plan" to end the war, adding that he will present this proposal to international partners such as the United States.

"For now, we need it," he said about the territory that Ukraine currently controls from Russia.

Norway allocates about 50 million euros for air defense and drones for Ukraine

Norway will donate 570 million Norwegian kroner (48.28 million euros) to the International Fund for Ukraine. The funds will be used to purchase drones and air defense systems for Ukrainian soldiers, according to the press service of the Norwegian government.

Ukraine will receive additional drones to aid in the fight against Russian forces, as well as more air defense systems to protect the Ukrainian population and critical infrastructure from Russian attacks.

Russian missile strike on Poltava with dozens of casualties: Details of tragedy

On September 3, Russian troops attacked Poltava with two ballistic missiles. An educational institution and residential buildings were hit. More than 50 people were killed, and the number of injured is approaching 300.

More details - in the RBC-Ukraine material.

Mongolia explains decision not to arrest Putin during his visit

Mongolia cannot arrest Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who is on a visit to the country, due to its dependence on Russian energy imports, according to Politico.

According to a spokesperson for the Mongolian government, the country is in an energy dependency situation, which complicates the possibility of arresting Putin under the ICC warrant.

He noted, "Mongolia has always maintained a policy of neutrality in all its diplomatic relations, as demonstrated in our statements of record to date."

Russian APC-82A destroyed in Pokrovsk direction - National Guard of Ukraine

Ukrainian fighters targeted a Russian APC-82A that was rushing to storm the positions of our troops in the Pokrovsk direction, according to the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU), Oleksandr Pivnenko.

The NGU adds that National Guard troops destroyed nearly 20 enemy vehicles in the Pokrovsk direction over the past week.