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Disturbing for Putin: China supports Ukraine with significant corn purchases

Disturbing for Putin: China supports Ukraine with significant corn purchases Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Chinese importers have made significant purchases of feed corn from Ukraine in recent weeks. In doing so, they have provided support to our country, which is in a state of war with Russia, according to Independent.

According to the article, unnamed traders in Asia and Europe reported the purchase of Ukrainian corn by China. The estimated volume of purchases is several hundred thousand tons.

"Importers in China have bought around 10 to 12 Panamax cargoes of Ukrainian corn for November/December shipment. Ukraine is the cheapest origin for corn as of now," quotes the journalists the words of a Singapore-based international company.

This information has also been confirmed by an unnamed source in the government of Ukraine.

Journalists point out that China is one of Russia's most important allies. Such news about economic cooperation with Ukraine could be a cause for concern for the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and his officials.

China-Ukraine Relations

China has refused to condemn Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. At the same time, Beijing continues to cooperate with Moscow and engage in trade with Russia.

China refuses to provide any military assistance to Ukraine. However, they have repeatedly stated their readiness to provide humanitarian aid.

In April of this year, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had his first conversation with Chinese leader Xi Jinping since the start of the full-scale war.