Devastating earthquake in Morocco: Over 1,000 lives lost, hundreds injured

A devastating earthquake in Morocco has claimed the lives of over 1,000 people. Hundreds more have been injured, according to Reuters.
An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 struck the High Atlas Mountains in Morocco late on September 8. According to the latest data from the Moroccan Ministry of Interior, 820 people have died, and 672 more have been injured. However, rescuers suspect that the death toll may be higher as the rescue operation continues. Officials say that most of the deaths occurred in remote mountainous areas.
Al-Arabiya states that the death toll from the earthquake has risen to 1,037, with 1,204 people injured, including 721 in critical condition.
The US Geological Survey has described this as the deadliest earthquake in Morocco since 1960 when over 12,000 people died. Some media outlets report that this is the most powerful earthquake to hit the region in the last 120 years.
Were Ukrainian citizens injured?
The spokesperson for the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oleg Nikolenko, states that there is no information about injured Ukrainians in Morocco at the moment. However, they continue to monitor the situation.
Ukrainian citizens in need of assistance are advised to contact the embassy of Ukraine in Rabat at +212 6 61 18 63 90