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Denmark should give Ukraine all air defense systems - PM Frederiksen

Denmark should give Ukraine all air defense systems - PM Frederiksen Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukraine must be provided with all air defense systems currently at Denmark's disposal, according to Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen during the NATO summit.

She reminded that Denmark had previously decided to transfer all its artillery to Ukraine. This decision was made because Ukrainian defenders use it better than in Denmark.

"And now we have to do the same with air defense," added the head of the Danish government.

Denmark's decision regarding artillery

Denmark has been providing Ukrainian military forces with equipment to protect against Russians since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine. This includes artillery.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said back in February this year that her country had provided Ukraine with all its artillery. She urged other Western countries to also transfer equipment from their stockpiles to Ukrainian fighters.

Following this, Defense Express clarified that this involved all 19 Caesar self-propelled howitzers that Denmark possessed. In turn, the country purchased Israeli Atmos self-propelled howitzers.

By the way, in March this year, the Danish authorities announced another aid package for Ukraine, which included funds for the purchase of Caesar self-propelled howitzers.