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US House of Representatives delegation arrives in Kyiv, meets with Zelenskyy

US House of Representatives delegation arrives in Kyiv, meets with Zelenskyy Photo: Zelenskyy meets with US House of Representatives (Illustrative photo by Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with a bipartisan delegation from the United States House of Representatives to discuss critical issues related to the defense of Ukraine, according to Zelenskyy's Telegram channel.

"We discussed the defense of our nation and our values against Russian terror. The key focus was air defense, saving Ukrainian lives, and stopping any attempts by Russia to prolong this war," Zelenskyy stated, emphasizing the comprehensive efforts underway to achieve peace as swiftly as possible.

The president expressed his gratitude to everyone in America who values freedom and independence as much as Ukrainians do.

The delegates thanked Zelenskyy for the warm reception and for taking the time to meet with them. They noted that after arriving in Kyiv the previous night, they "felt the explosions," underscoring the importance of the US decision to provide Ukraine with a military aid package.

US support for Ukraine

The United States is one of Ukraine's key Western allies in its resistance against the war initiated by Russia. The US government has consistently provided military and financial assistance to Ukraine.

This spring, the US allocated the largest military aid package to Ukraine, with a total value of $6 billion.

Additionally, Ukraine recently received a $3.9 billion non-refundable grant from the US through the World Bank. These funds are designated for salaries and social assistance programs.