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Defense forces hit Kavkaz plant in Russian Rostov region

Defense forces hit Kavkaz plant in Russian Rostov region Photo: Ukraine attacked the "Kavkaz" plant in the Rostov region (Getty Images)

Ukrainian forces struck an important facility for the Russian military. The defenders attacked the Kavkaz plant in the Rostov region, reports the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukrainian forces carried out an attack on the Kavkaz plant on the night of August 18. According to the General Staff, the plant stored oil and petroleum products that were also supplied to the occupying army.

"At least two fire outbreaks were recorded at the facility. Further information regarding the impact of the strike is being clarified," the statement says.

The mission was carried out by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in coordination with the Armed Forces and other components of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Additionally, the Kavkaz plant is a Russian state enterprise and is part of the Rosrezerv structure. The plant is located in the city of Proletarsk, Rostov region.

Explosions in Rostov region

On the night of August 18, Russians complained on social media about explosions in the Rostov region. The governor of the Russian region reported a drone attack. He claimed that the attack was "repelled," but debris had fallen.

According to Russian sources, an oil depot in the settlement of Proletarsk in the Rostov region caught fire. Videos of the intense fire were shared online.