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Death toll rises to 49 in Poltava strike

Death toll rises to 49 in Poltava strike Illustrative photo: the aftermath of a Russian strike in Poltava (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

In Poltava, as of today, it is known that 49 people were killed by Russian shelling. The debris removal is ongoing, according to the head of the Poltava Regional Military Administration, Filip Pronin.

"The cleanup of the impact site at the educational institution is ongoing. Currently, 49 people are reported dead and 219 are injured," the official said.

He specified that 11 people have been rescued from the rubble and are receiving all necessary assistance.

Pronin also emphasized that the rescue operation is ongoing. Preliminary reports suggest that up to 18 people may still be trapped under the rubble.

According to the head of the Poltava Regional Military Administration, 10 residential buildings have been damaged. Affected individuals are assisted in filling out applications to receive financial assistance.

Attack on Poltava

On the morning of September 3, Russian forces attacked Poltava with ballistic missiles. This resulted in the partial destruction of the building of the Institute of Communication.

As of the latest information, there were 47 confirmed deaths and 206 injuries.

For more details on the consequences of the attack read the material by RBC-Ukraine.