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Czech initiative ammunition deliveries to Ukraine proceeding as planned - Defense Ministry

Czech initiative ammunition deliveries to Ukraine proceeding as planned - Defense Ministry Illustrative photo: Ukraine receives shells under the Czech initiative (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

There were delays in supplying shells to Ukraine under the Czech initiative earlier this summer. However, the transfer is now proceeding as planned, stated Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Defense, Ivan Havryliuk.

“Today, the supply of ammunition under the Czech initiative Shells for Ukraine has stabilized, although there were delays earlier this summer due to a lack of funding. As of September, everything is proceeding according to the planned supply schedules. This is quite serious support on the battlefield,” he said.

According to Havryliuk, thanks to the Czech initiative, Ukraine can receive not only NATO-caliber shells.

The official thanked the countries that provided funding for purchasing shells under the Czech initiative.

Havryliuk also hopes that the supply of shells to Ukraine will continue even after the promised quantity has been delivered.


This year, the Czech Republic identified a large quantity of shells for Ukraine from countries outside the European Union. However, funding from partners is needed for their purchase.

In this context, several countries allocated funds for the procurement of ammunition. On June 25, it was reported that the first batch of shells had already arrived in Ukraine.

Additionally, in July, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal noted that Ukraine received the first 50,000 shells, some of which are already at the front.