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Current support for Ukraine is not enough to win back territories - Czech President

Current support for Ukraine is not enough to win back territories - Czech President Czech President Petr Pavel (photo: Getty Images)

Czech President Petr Pavel says that the current support for Ukraine is not enough to push the Russian troops out of the entire occupied territory.

In particular, he was asked whether the current support for Ukraine is sufficient.

"It would be enough if the level of support allowed Ukraine to fully regain its territory.

At the moment, it is unrealistic. We need to remember who the opponent is," Pavel said.

He noted that Russia has much more resources than Ukraine with all the allied assistance.

The Czech president believes that if Ukraine is ready to hold its territory, it will be "our success in the foreseeable future."

He added that no significant breakthrough on the front line can be expected at this time.

Pavel also called for convincing Russia as soon as possible that it could not achieve any significant success on the battlefield.

Therefore, the Russians must come to the negotiating table.

"We have to use all possible political actions and convince as many countries as possible that this conflict must be resolved in accordance with international law, especially the principles of the UN Charter," the Czech president said.

In addition, Pavel noted that everything possible should be done to convince China that it is not in its interest to be so closely linked to Russia.

Everything should be done to create pressure from China on Russia to negotiate.

In conclusion, the Czech president added that once negotiations begin, the West's position should not be to legalize the occupied territories as Russian but to declare them temporarily occupied and never recognized as Russian.

The Czech Republic promises to deliver ammunition to Ukraine as soon as possible. In particular, according to Czech President Petr Pavel, in July and August, the Ukrainian side is to receive 50,000 rounds of ammunition. The amount will be increased in September.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that the Czech Republic had launched the production of drones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is about the production of reconnaissance and attack drones.