Cosmic absurdity: Wildest ideas for conquering space

In the quest to conquer space, humanity has ventured into the most incredible ideas. From bold projects of space colonies to fantastic technologies designed for resettlement on other planets, the world of space exploration is rich in unusual concepts.
Here are several most absurd ideas of space conquest that could only be imagined.
The following sources were used: Listverse, Medium, CNET.
Space elevator
The space elevator is a concept of an engineering structure that serves as a means of reaching Earth's orbit without using rockets.
The idea involves creating a structure that connects the surface of our planet with a space object (such as a satellite or space station) using a long cable or similar construction. However, it is unknown whether there are materials in nature that are strong enough to make a lifting cable 35,785 km long.
Such elevators could provide access to space without the need for traditional rocket launches, which is considered a more efficient and economical way to reach space. However, in practice, creating a space elevator is a technical and engineering challenge with numerous challenges and difficulties.
In theory, the cable for a space elevator could be woven from graphene nanotubes. However, so far, no one has been able to make a carbon rope longer than 1 meter.
Space elevator (photo: New Scientist)
Space electromagnetic catapult
The space electromagnetic catapult is a theoretical concept of space launch using electromagnetic fields created by powerful electromagnetic accelerators.
Such a catapult aims to eliminate the need for traditional rocket engines for launching spacecraft, which could reduce costs of space missions and increase their efficiency.
Despite the challenges, there are several advantages to such a catapult. Firstly, it could be used to dispose of nuclear waste by simply throwing it into space.
Secondly, the cannon could be used not on Earth, but on the Moon - where there is no atmosphere and no friction.
However, at the moment, this is a more theoretical concept and requires further research and technological development for its implementation.
Space electromagnetic catapult (photo: Wikipedia)
Aerostat colony
The HAVOC project envisions the construction of a large airship on Venus that flies in the ordinary air. Oxygen and nitrogen, which we breathe, will act like hydrogen or helium on Earth, lifting the balloon up due to the higher density of the atmosphere. The spacecraft will be able to generate energy from solar panels.
A similar structure could be sent to Jupiter. However, it would not be possible to inflate the balloon with helium or hydrogen because Jupiter is composed of these gases.
However, there is another way: to extract gas from Jupiter's atmosphere and heat it, for example, with a nuclear reactor. The hot hydrogen in the balloon will be lighter than the cold hydrogen in the upper atmosphere, allowing the airship to fly and enjoy the clouds and blue sky. At high altitude, it will be the same as on Earth.
However, it is unclear what to do with the radiation from the gas giant - it is unlikely that the airship can be lined with lead.
Aerostat colony (photo: MarketWatch)
Satellite sling
The Orbital Skyhook project by Boeing and NASA's Institute for Advanced Development involves an interesting method of launching payloads into orbit.
The structure should consist of a rotating satellite in low Earth orbit and two fairly long tethers extending from it in different directions.
Orbital Skyhook should rotate in the plane of its orbit so that the tethers intersect with the planet (its atmosphere or upper boundary) at each revolution. The rotation speed of the structure partially or completely compensates for the orbital speed.
The idea is good, but there are several nuances. Firstly, the counterweight satellite, to maintain its orbit, must be at least 90 times larger than the useful payload. That is, to launch a payload of 14 tons, it is necessary to first assemble a 1,300-ton satellite in orbit. The weight of the ISS is approximately 440 tons.
Secondly, to ensure that the station rotates evenly and does not fall to Earth or fly off course, the same mass that was lifted into orbit must be lowered from orbit.
Satellite sling (photo: Reddit)
Earlier, we wrote about crazy theories about space that are beyond belief.
We also have an article about a discovered cosmic reservoir, which is 12 billion years old.