Communication with toxic people - Psychologist provides advice

"Toxic people" is a term that has become quite widespread in the modern world, reflecting a particular category of individuals who exert a negative influence on those around them. Such individuals are capable of spoiling the atmosphere and relationships within a team, family, or other social groups. There are several characteristics that define toxic people, explains psychologist Olga Sokolova on her Instagram.
Negativity and pessimism
Toxic individuals typically always see something negative in any situation, and they are ready to share their negative perspective with others. They can immerse themselves in depressive thoughts or complain about everything that is happening around them, perpetually living in this cycle of negativity.
Toxic individuals often think only about themselves and their interests. They can be excessively self-assured, disregard the opinions of others, and even manipulate others for their own purposes, without showing empathy or understanding.
Toxic individuals may employ various tactics to compel others to do what they want. They may use deception, blackmail, money, or other means to attain their desires and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
Failure to acknowledge the successes of others
Toxic individuals may constantly emphasize their own achievements and accomplishments while ignoring or even discrediting the successes of others. They may feel envy and place themselves above others, often undermining the self-esteem of those around them.
Refusing to take responsibility
Toxic individuals may seek someone to blame for their failures, but they never acknowledge their own mistakes or shortcomings. They can blame others for their problems, even when it is clearly not true.
How to communicate with toxic individuals
It is important to understand that toxicity is not a constant trait in a person's life. It can arise from various reasons such as stress, personal issues, traumatic experiences, or an inability to effectively resolve conflicts.
Additionally, it's important to note that attempting to help toxic individuals can be a challenging task and may require a professional approach if it becomes a psychological or emotional burden on you or your surroundings.
One of the best solutions for psychological well-being is to limit interaction with such individuals. However, unfortunately, this may not always be feasible. If avoiding this interaction is not possible, then it's advisable to follow certain guidelines to preserve your psychological well-being.
The best way to protect yourself is to limit communication with a toxic person (photo: Freepik)
10 Tips to help you communicate with toxic people:
- set clear boundaries and don't hesitate to establish personal limits to protect your comfort
- have realistic expectations and remember that such individuals may not change, so be prepared for appropriate behavior
- take control of the conversation, avoid traps, and shift topics if the discussion becomes unproductive
- be cautious with your responses, you can sidestep questions that might trigger negative emotions
- maintain emotional control, and restrain your reactions to provocations to avoid unnecessary conflict
- speak openly, express your thoughts clearly and without embellishments, demonstrating your position
- guard your personal information, and filter what you share, as toxic individuals may use it against you
- minimize the time spent communicating; if possible, limit the duration of contact with such individuals
- show empathy, consider that their actions stem from their own issues, and approach them with understanding
- focus on self-preservation, and prioritize your emotional and psychological resilience when interacting with such individuals
Earlier, we talked about how not to fall victim to manipulation.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.