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Combat parts of Russian Kinzhal and Kh-101 missiles found in Lviv region

Combat parts of Russian Kinzhal and Kh-101 missiles found in Lviv region Photo: Russian missile warheads found in Lviv region (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Remnants of Russian missiles have been found in the Lviv region. These include parts of the Kinzhal and Kh-101 missiles, according to the State Emergency Service.

Demining specialists from the State Emergency Service (SES) removed the combat parts of the Kinzhal and Kh-101 missiles. These parts were extracted by deminers from the 2nd Special Rapid Response Center of the SES in the Lviv region after the most massive missile attack on Ukraine

"The quick and professional actions of the SES specialists prevented further destruction and possible civilian casualties," the report says.

Photo: Combat parts of Russian missiles found in Lviv region (

Massive missile attack on Ukraine

On August 26, Russian forces attacked Ukraine, launching 127 missiles and 109 drones. The strikes targeted Ukraine's energy infrastructure in 15 regions.

Energy experts described the attack as unprecedented. Specifically, the Kyiv Hydroelectric Station was hit. The station did not sustain critical damage. For more information on the Kyiv Hydroelectric Station and the potential consequences of a dam breach, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.

Following the massive shelling and damage to the power grid, power outages were reintroduced in Ukraine.