Coach names popular product that makes your belly grow

People have known for a long time that high-calorie foods are harmful. But why? The fact that the product has a high energy value is not the main reason. The problem is that such food is very tasty, which makes you want to eat a lot of it, often and uncontrollably. This leads to overeating, obesity, and health problems.
What foods don't satiate well and lead to a bigger belly
High-calorie foods have a low satiety level, meaning they don't satisfy hunger well, which again contributes to overeating.
Even more interesting is that not only calorie content but also the form of food affects eating behavior. For example, liquid foods, such as sugary drinks, have a significant impact on weight gain.
Drinking Coca-Cola, Fanta, or other sugary drinks is a direct way to gain extra pounds because they are high in calories and do not satiate the body well.
Consider an example. If you drink a liter of sugary soda every day, it adds 420 "empty" calories to your body. However, due to the low level of satiety, the body "thinks" that it has received less energy and increases appetite. As a result, people eat more than they need.
Simple math: if you consume only 84 extra calories a day, this can lead to a 4-kilogram gain in fat mass in a year.
Although the body partially adapts to overeating by increasing energy expenditure, it usually fails to fully compensate for the excess calories. That's why there are so many overweight people among us.
So next time you buy a sugary drink, think about it: is it worth it? Your body will appreciate the choice in favor of water or other healthy alternatives. It is best to choose simple water.
Read also in what form potatoes are best for weight loss.
By the way, the exact time for breakfast if you want to lose weight is named.
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