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Chinese spy - assistant to candidate for European Parliament detained in Germany

Chinese spy - assistant to candidate for European Parliament detained in Germany Photo: a man was detained in Germany on suspicion of spying for China (Getty Images)

In Germany, an assistant to a candidate in the European Parliament elections was reportedly spying for China, reports The Guardian.

According to the source, prosecutors revealed that the man worked as an assistant to Maximilian Krah, the lead candidate in the European Parliament elections.

Currently, the man identified by prosecutors as Jian G has been charged with "an especially severe instancee" of espionage.

Krah stated that he learned about the arrest of his employee, Jian Guo, from the press.

"I do not have further information," Krah said.

He also added that "spying activity for a foreign state is a serious allegation," which, if proven, would lead to the immediate dismissal of the employee.

The prosecution reported that the man was 43 years old, held dual German and Chinese citizenship, and alleged that he had been spying for Chinese intelligence services for many years.

Investigators accused Guo of espionage, including against Chinese opposition figures living in exile in Germany.

Chinese spies worldwide

Earlier, we wrote that the British government, due to the espionage threat from Beijing, is considering reducing the number of Chinese citizens who can enter the country on official business.

Meanwhile, in the United States, a US Navy serviceman has been sentenced to 27 months in prison for accepting a bribe of nearly $15,000 from a Chinese intelligence officer.

Cases of Chinese espionage have even been uncovered in Australia. An Australian court has found a resident of Melbourne, who previously held prominent positions in Chinese community associations, guilty of planning an act of foreign interference.