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Chasiv Yar outpost prevents Russia from storming Ukraine's southern flank - officer

Chasiv Yar outpost prevents Russia from storming Ukraine's southern flank - officer Ukrainian soldiers (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The settlement of Chasiv Yar is an outpost that prevents Russians from carrying out assault operations on the southern flank, where Pokrovsk and Toretsk are located, says Oleh Kalashnikov, press officer of the 26th Roman Dashkevich Artillery Brigade.

At the same time, he noted that Chasiv Yar “eats up” a lot of Russia's military resources and manpower.

“During the battles for Chasiv Yar, he (the enemy - ed.) suffered significant losses in the combat readiness of his units in the technical component. Not only in armor but also in logistics vehicles,” Kalashnikov said.

He also adds that Chasiv Yar stands in the way of the very first goals of Russian leader Vladimir Putin since the so-called "SMO" began. We are talking about the Russians' access to the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

“And of course, from here he (Putin - ed.) wanted to continue threatening our other territories, our other lands, our other cities,” the military said.

Oleh Kalashnikov summarized that it is in Chasiv Yar that the Ukrainian Armed Forces stop the enemy and there are many reasons why this should be done

After the start of the Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in Kursk region, the Russian pressure on the frontline has eased somewhat. However, the enemy continues its efforts to advance in the Pokrovsk sector.

In particular, according to the General Staff's report of August 31, as of 16:00, Russian troops were most active in the Pokrovske and Kurakhove directions. A total of 109 battles were recorded at the front as of this time.