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Charles III strips prominent global corporations of honors over dealings with Russia

Charles III strips prominent global corporations of honors over dealings with Russia King Charles III (photo: Getty images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

King Charles III stripped Samsung and Kimberly-Clark of honorary orders because they still work with Russia through gray schemes, according to Reddit.

King Charles III stripped world's corporations of their honorary orders

Over the three years of Russia's brutal full-scale war against Ukraine, many international large companies have fortunately stopped cooperating with the aggressor country.

Of course, some companies still work with Russia, but they do so openly for certain reasons and, of course, for profit. And some work through gray schemes. But everything secret is coming to light.

Among such corporations are the American corporation Kimberly-Clark, which manufactures products for healthcare, personal, professional, and industrial hygiene, as well as the well-known Samsung, which continues to sell equipment in Russia through gray schemes despite previous statements about the termination of supplies.

This position is far from Charles III, who, like the entire royal family, supports Ukraine, which is why he decided to strip Kimberly-Clark and Samsung of their honorary orders.

Charles III strips prominent global corporations of honors over dealings with RussiaKing Charles III took away orders from well-known corporations (photo: Getty images)

The fact is that the Ukrainians wrote a letter to the palace, which says that they didn't want The King to support companies that sponsored the war with royal orders.

This is not the first time that the royal family has cut ties with brands that have chosen money over humanity and common sense.