Experts name deadly plants for dogs

House plants can coexist peacefully with pets, but it's essential to be aware of the plants that can potentially harm dogs and even pose fatal risks, according to House Beautiful.
If you have cats or dogs, then you should not keep lilies in the house - both in pots and in bouquets. Lilies can cause irreversible kidney failure. Even a few grains of pollen or drinking water from a vase of lilies can seriously harm animals.
The highest concentration of toxins is found in tulip bulbs. When ingested by an animal, tulips cause severe gastrointestinal upset, salivation, loss of appetite, convulsions, and heart failure.
This plant contains toxic terpenoid saponins, especially in the root of the plant. Its ingestion can cause increased salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, heart failure, and even death in cats and dogs.
This plant also contains toxins that cause serious gastrointestinal upset and heart rhythm disturbances in both dogs and cats.
If your cat or dog ingests this beautiful plant or bulb, the toxins can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and tremors.
This plant contains many different toxins, including pyrethrins, which can cause gastrointestinal upset, salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea. If large amounts are ingested, cats and dogs may develop a loss of coordination and depression.
This spring flowering bulb belongs to the same family as Amaryllis. Daffodils cause a long list of symptoms, including vomiting, low blood pressure, seizures and heart problems. Bulbs are the most poisonous part.
A popular landscape shrub. However, its leaves and flowers contain toxic glycosides that cause abdominal pain, drooling, depression, severe vomiting, and even death.
These beautiful spring plant belong to the lily family, so they contain alkaloids that cause severe vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and tremors when ingested by cats or dogs.
Keep pets away from the bulbs or the plant itself. Ingestion of any part of this plant can cause oral irritation, bloody vomiting, shock, and multiple organ damage in both cats and dogs.