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Ukraine intelligence chief: Telegram poses national security threat

Ukraine intelligence chief: Telegram poses national security threat Photo: head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense Kyrylo Budanov (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Telegram poses a threat to Ukraine's national security. While technically challenging, it is possible to shut it down in Ukraine, according to an interview with Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Defense Intelligence, on Radio Khartia.

When asked whether Telegram could be considered harmful, Budanov answered affirmatively.

"I have never been afraid to say this. I state clearly, Telegram is a threat to our national security. I say this absolutely directly, and we have even documented it," Budanov said.

According to him, research confirms that Telegram has become a primary source of information for Ukrainian society. However, Budanov stated that he does not support shutting down Telegram in Ukraine.

"I am not in favor of just shutting it down. By the way, that is quite difficult to do, but possible. I advocate for ‘physicalizing’ all these Telegram channels. If you want to provide news, please register," Budanov said.

The head of military intelligence also emphasized that blocking Telegram, unlike Russian social networks like Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, is technically more challenging but feasible. Budanov also noted that X is not harmful to Ukrainians.

Telegram restrictions

It is worth noting that there have been ongoing discussions in Ukraine about limiting Telegram. Ukrainian authorities emphasize that the main issue lies in the anonymous dissemination of information on the messenger.

Talks about closing Telegram were revived when Pavel Durov, the founder of the messenger, was detained in France. He is accused of failing to moderate the service and not cooperating with investigations.

For more details on Durov's arrest and what will happen with Telegram, see RBC-Ukraine's report.