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Budanov names factors creating serious problems for Ukrainian army on battlefield

Budanov names factors creating serious problems for Ukrainian army on battlefield Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Major General, Kyrylo Budanov (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The increase in Russia's production of guided bombs and the supply of artillery ammunition from North Korea are creating significant problems for Ukrainian forces on the battlefield, states Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Major General, Kyrylo Budanov.

He noted that North Korean military aid to Russia is of particular concern compared to the support provided by other Moscow allies.

Budanov stated that North Korea supplies a massive amount of artillery ammunition, which is critical for Russia. He noted that after such supplies, there is a noticeable escalation in combat operations.

The Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine also highlighted that the increase in Russia's production of guided air bombs has created a huge problem for the front. Additionally, the ramp-up in the production of Iskander-type missiles has led to a massive use of these weapons by Russia in its attacks on Ukraine.

North Korea's aid to Russia

Ukraine, the US, and several other countries and independent analysts have established that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is supplying Russia with missiles and munitions for its war against Ukraine in exchange for economic and other military assistance from Moscow.

In September of last year, it was revealed that Pyongyang was supplying Russia with 152mm artillery shells and Katyusha rockets.

Subsequently, it became known that Russia had acquired ballistic KN-23 missiles from North Korea. The Russian army has already used them several times to strike Ukrainian settlements and energy infrastructure.