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Budanov inspects intelligence positions in Kharkiv

Budanov inspects intelligence positions in Kharkiv Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

The Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Kyrylo Budanov, inspected intelligence positions in the Kharkiv region. Together with commanders, he carried out operational planning, according to RBC-Ukraine sources in the Defense Forces.

According to sources, following the successful operation to liberate the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant from Russian occupiers, GUR Chief Kyrylo Budanov continued inspecting the combat positions of special units of the Main Intelligence Directorate in the Kharkiv region.

Budanov, together with unit commanders, carried out further operational planning to improve the positions of the Security and Defense Forces in these directions and build on the previous success.

Liberation of the aggregate plant

On Tuesday, September 24, it became known that Ukrainian soldiers had liberated the aggregate plant in the city of Vovchansk, Kharkiv region.

A representative of the Russian Volunteer Corps stated that this was the first such operation by Ukrainian forces since the start of the full-scale war. The fighters stormed and controlled a large fortified area, driving the enemy out.

DIU clarified that the defenders managed to capture up to 20 Russians during the battles. According to intelligence, the aggregate plant in Vovchansk was damaged, but the defense was still possible to hold there.