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British intelligence explains purpose of occupiers' 'offensive' in Kupiansk direction

British intelligence explains  purpose of occupiers' 'offensive' in Kupiansk direction British intelligence explains the purpose of the occupiers' "offensive" near Kupiansk (Photo: Getty Images)

Russian forces have intensified their activities in the Kupiansk direction, likely aiming to create a buffer zone around the Luhansk region, according to the British Ministry of Defence.

Recent intelligence indicates an increase in the number of attacks by the Russian army in the Kharkiv and Luhansk regions. The British do not rule out the possibility of the Russians launching small-group attacks. However, Russian disinformation complicates understanding of what is happening in the mentioned direction.

"Russia has likely only achieved marginal gains, but its renewed activity in the north highlights its importance to the Kremlin when it is concurrently facing significant pressure in the southern Zaporizhzhia sector," the statement said.

According to intelligence reports, the occupiers are attempting to advance towards the Oskil River to create a buffer zone around the Luhansk region. Russia considers the occupation of this region as one of its main objectives in the war.

What preceded it?
Before this development, a few weeks ago, the Ukrainian command reported that the situation in the Lyman-Kupiansk direction had escalated. Russian forces intensified their attacks, but the Ukrainian Armed Forces halted the enemy's assaults.
The spokesperson for the Eastern Military Command, Serhii Cherevatyi, emphasized that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had localized the "major offensive" by the Russians on the Kupiansk-Lyman line, which the Russians had announced back in the spring.