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Britain and Germany sign new defense agreement on Ukraine

Britain and Germany sign new defense agreement on Ukraine British Prime Minister Keir Starmer (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Britain and Germany have entered into a new defense agreement, with Ukraine at the core of their efforts. Both countries reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Ukraine for as long as necessary, citing The Guardian.

On Wednesday, August 28, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer arrived in Berlin, where he met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The leaders discussed the new agreement between the two countries, which centers on a defense accord regarding Ukraine.

At a joint press conference, Starmer said that the new deal expands the already extensive defense cooperation between the UK and Germany, allowing the two nations "to face the threats of a volatile world together."

"That, of course, means a shared resolve to stand up for the security of our people and the wider European continent – and that begins with our unyielding support for Ukraine," said the British Prime Minister.

He added that the UK and Germany, as the European nations that have made the largest contributions to Ukraine's military efforts and as the countries with the highest defense spending among European NATO members, are "keenly aware of their obligation to the Ukrainian people, who are fighting not just to protect themselves but for all the people of Europe."

"Today, we have firmed our commitment to stand with Ukraine as long as it takes," Starmer added.

Support from Britain and Germany

Both countries are leaders in providing military aid to Ukraine. Britain was among the first to support Ukraine at the onset of Russia's full-scale invasion, providing the Ukrainian army with Challenger tanks, armored vehicles, and other weaponry.

Germany has supplied Ukraine with various modifications of Leopard tanks, armored vehicles, anti-aircraft systems, the latest Patriot and IRIS-T missile systems, drones, and much more. Both nations have also conducted training for Ukrainian military personnel on their soil.

Recently, Germany delivered a new military aid package to Ukraine.