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Bloomberg: Some of Ukraine's allies consider ending war through negotiations in 2025

Bloomberg: Some of Ukraine's allies consider ending war through negotiations in 2025 Illustrative photo: Western discussions on ending the war in Ukraine (Getty Images)

Some of Ukraine's allies are discussing the possibility of ending the war with Russia through negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv in 2025. However, the decision to hold negotiations should be made solely by Ukrainian officials, Bloomberg reports.

According to sources, some of Ukraine's partners are discussing potential ways to end the war, raising concerns in certain Western capitals that Ukrainian forces might be pressured to ceasefire prematurely.

Bloomberg sources clarify that Western officials are beginning to seriously consider the possibility of ending the war between Ukraine and Russia through negotiations as part of a 2025 strategy. However, they have made it clear that the decision to negotiate will be made by Kyiv, and there is no pressure on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy regarding this matter.

These discussions have emerged due to the lack of any significant "breakthroughs on the battlefield" and the approach of another winter, prompting some officials to explore potential ways out of the "deadlock."

Journalists note that negotiations to end the conflict must address the key issue of how to make Ukraine resilient against potential future Russian attacks while avoiding further involvement of Western countries in the conflict.

What preceded

On September 16, Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans stated that he considers it unlikely that the war between Russia and Ukraine will end this year or next. He emphasized the need for European countries and their populations to be prepared for long-term support of Ukraine in its defense against Russian occupiers.

Additionally, Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of the Defense Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, mentioned that Russia plans to conclude the war by 2026.