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Bild claims on alleged Ukraine's readiness to freeze war, Presidential Office denies

Bild claims on alleged Ukraine's readiness to freeze war, Presidential Office denies Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

Bild has published a report claiming Ukraine is allegedly ready to freeze the war. However, the Presidential Office has stated that the agency is spreading false information, according to the president's communications advisor, Dmytro Lytvyn, in a comment to RBC-Ukraine.

"Bild spread a fake. The outlet hasn’t seen the victory plan, and out of the few people currently involved by the president in drafting the victory plan, none have spoken with Bild," Lytvyn said.

According to Lytvyn, there will be no Minsk-3 or any other similar agreement with Russia, as Ukraine is against any freezing of the war, a stance that the Ukrainian government has communicated at all levels.

"It is important for us that the United States supports Ukraine's victory plan, not a plan of capitulation or freezing the conflict. The victory plan will first be presented to the US, as they can ensure its provisions are implemented," he added.

Reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also denied any "readiness" of Ukraine to "freeze" hostilities or agree to a "ceasefire."

"No, Ukraine is not planning to agree to any freezing of the war. The source that reported this does not know the plan of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The elements that the president will present in the US will undoubtedly strengthen, not weaken, Ukraine and its soldiers," wrote MFA spokesperson Heorhiy Tykhii on social media.

What Bild writes

Bild wrote that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will soon travel to the United States to present his victory plan to U.S. President Joe Biden, as well as to presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

According to the journalists, Zelenskyy's plan allegedly includes Ukraine’s "willingness" to accept a "localized ceasefire on certain front lines," and thus allegedly temporarily "freeze" the situation.

The victory plan

About two weeks ago, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced a victory plan for the war. It is known that the plan will first be presented to US President Joe Biden, and then to other international partners.

This is because each part of the plan is somehow tied to US support. According to Zelenskyy, the victory plan will be straightforward and understandable. Additionally, it will not contain many points.