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Biden supports HAMAS elimination, without Gaza Strip occupation

Biden supports HAMAS elimination, without Gaza Strip occupation Photo: Joe Biden, President of the USA (Getty Images)

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, in an interview with CBS News, has expressed support for the elimination of the terrorist group HAMAS.

"Yes, I do," stated the U.S. President in response to a question about whether, in his opinion, HAMAS should be eliminated. However, he emphasized the need for Palestinian leadership and a path to the existence of a Palestinian state.

When asked if Israel would pursue this path at the moment, Joe Biden responded, "Not now, but I think Israel understands that a significant portion of Palestinian people do not share the views of Hamas and Hezbollah."

Biden also noted that the seizure of the Gaza Strip by Israel would be a "big mistake." In his view, HAMAS does not represent the entire Palestinian people.

"Israel is going after a group of people who have engaged in barbarism that is as consequential as the Holocaust. And so I think Israel has to respond," added the head of state.

U.S. aid to Israel

Previously, U.S. President Joe Biden ordered additional support for Israel following the terrorist attack by HAMAS. According to reports, the White House is working on fulfilling Israel's request for the urgent transfer of weapons.

The White House press service announced that, as a result of negotiations between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, additional aid for the Israel Defense Forces is currently being sent to Israel, with further assistance to be provided in the coming days.