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Biden's team yet to see Zelenskyy's victory plan, but promises number of initiatives

Biden's team yet to see Zelenskyy's victory plan, but promises number of initiatives Photo: The White House promises some initiatives to help Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The administration of US President Joe Biden is currently not familiar with the victory plan that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy intends to present to his counterpart during his visit to the United States. Meanwhile, Washington is preparing various initiatives, according to Michael Carpenter, Director for Europe at the US National Security Council.

According to an American official, the White House maintains constant communication with Ukrainian representatives on all matters.

"However, with this particular conversation, I understand that President Zelenskyy wanted to come here and brief this plan directly to President Biden," he stated.

Carpenter added that they are not aware of the plan but " the presidents will have a chance to have that conversation soon and also to align their strategic goals for the remainder of this administration, which is going to be very important."

He noted that Washington awaits the presentation of Zelenskyy's strategic vision for victory.

"And when that happens, I'm sure the president (Biden -ed.) will be very interested in all the various details and how they fit together. The military, the economic, the diplomatic. All of that is important. And so I think it's going to be a very interesting and substantive conversation when they meet," Carpenter said.

When asked if Ukraine should expect swift and decisive actions in the coming months in light of Biden's recent statement about the intent to put Ukraine in a position necessary for victory, he commented on certain initiatives.

"Yeah, I think you will see that we will undertake a number of initiatives both in the coming week and in the coming months to put Ukraine in a stronger position," Carpenter explained.

He emphasized that Biden remains steadfast in his commitment to help Ukraine repel Russian aggression and achieve victory in the war.

"The president is committed to Ukraine as a sovereign, democratic, independent state and pushing back on this vicious attack from Russia. As we've noted many times, Putin could end this war today if he wanted to. And nobody wants peace and stability and security more than the Ukrainian people," he noted.

Carpenter added that they have seen Russian troops commit the most brutal war crimes in Ukraine.

"So we understand that Ukrainians want peace above all else, but we need to give them the strength to be able to achieve that. And that is where we plan to have a very substantive discussion, how to align our policies to achieve that end goal," he emphasized.

Zelenskyy's trip to the US

Earlier, President Zelenskyy announced that during his trip to the US next week, he has a series of meetings planned. This includes discussions with his American counterpart Joe Biden, representatives from both parties in Congress, as well as presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

He is expected to present his victory plan. According to him, three points have already been prepared, and the plan will be made available to all countries, including representatives from Russia.

Additionally, it has been reported that Biden is preparing a new aid package worth $375 million, which may include patrol boats, additional ammunition for high-mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS), 155 mm and 105 mm artillery ammunition, spare parts, and other weapons.