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Biden comments on aid to Ukraine after meeting with Congress members

Biden comments on aid to Ukraine after meeting with Congress members Photo: Joe Biden, President of U.S. (Getty Images)

President of the United States, Joe Biden, believes that there is a majority in Congress to approve military aid funding for Ukraine. However, he acknowledges the possibility of a "catastrophic" scenario, reports Voice of America.

The American leader made this statement while responding to journalists' questions about his expectations regarding legislators' approval of financial and military support for Ukraine from the United States after yesterday's meeting with members of Congress.

"I think the vast majority of members of Congress support aid to Ukraine," said Biden.

At the same time, he expressed concerns about the possibility of a failure in the vote on approving the relevant aid package.

"The question is whether or not a small minority are going to hold it up, which would be - which would be a disaster," Biden noted.

What preceded

Earlier, it was reported that on January 17, President Joe Biden discussed with representatives from both houses of Congress the provision of financial and military support to Ukraine. The White House urged swift approval of a $61.3 billion aid package to Ukraine and emphasized the importance of strengthening border security against illegal migrants from Mexico.

After the meeting with Biden, House Speaker Mike Johnson stated that the issue of further financial aid to Ukraine might be considered in the United States only after resolving the crisis on the Mexico border.

Additionally, according to The Wall Street Journal, Biden agreed to enhance immigration policies to avoid criticism and ensure assistance to Ukraine.

Delay in U.S. funding for Ukraine

Recall that over the past few months, there has been a "political war" between Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate over the bill providing financial aid to Ukraine and other allies.

In October 2023, President Biden submitted a bill to Congress proposing $106 billion in aid to Israel and Ukraine, as well as to strengthen the defense-industrial complex. From this amount, $61.3 billion was proposed for Ukraine and $14.3 billion for Israel.

However, on December 6, Republicans blocked the start of debates on the bill in the Senate.

It was also reported on January 12 that financial aid to Ukraine was suspended in the White House until Congress approves a new funding package.