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Biden and Netanyahu discussed efforts to release people from Hamas captivity

Biden and Netanyahu discussed efforts to release people from Hamas captivity U.S. President Joe Biden (photo: Getty Images)

President Joe Biden held talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They discussed the events in the Gaza Strip, according to the White House press service.

The American leader affirmed that Israel has the full right and obligation to protect its citizens from terrorism, emphasizing the need to do so in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law, which prioritize the protection of civilian populations.

Biden and Netanyahu also discussed the efforts being made to search for and release hostages, including American citizens who continue to be considered missing and may be held by Hamas.

Furthermore, Biden stressed the need for an immediate and substantial increase in humanitarian aid to meet the needs of the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

The President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Israel agreed to continue regular consultations both directly and through their respective national security teams.

Ground operation in the Gaza Strip

On October 7, Hamas militants invaded Israeli territory, killing and abducting both military and civilian residents.

In response, the Israel Defense Forces initiated an operation aimed at eliminating the militants. Several strikes have already been carried out in the Gaza Strip. Additionally, a ground operation is planned.

According to media reports, Israel has already deployed hundreds of military vehicles near the border with the Gaza Strip.

On October 24, the Chief of the General Staff of the IDF, Lieutenant General Aviv Kohavi, announced that Israel was postponing the introduction of troops due to strategic considerations.